McPherson Contractors Ltd 103 Peria Rd, Matamata 3472, New Zealand
McPherson Contractors Ltd specialises in earthworks and drainage in civil and rural environments.
McPherson Contractors Ltd has been operating out of Matamata for 20 years, offering a complete maintenance and development option to the surrounding rural districts farmers.
Operating a late model high production fleet of earthmoving machinery with a number of long serving experienced operators. Applying this availability and a lifetime of experience by Stephen we can approach and manage any project with confidence and enthusiasm delivering quality on time and on budget results.
Whether cleaning drains, reclaiming swamps, developing bush, forestry or scrub, to contouring and setting out raceway networks, we have the ability to place the right machine to the task.
We can win material, rotton rock, blue metal, sandstone or rhyolite from your own source saving money and time to cover raceway and roading formations. We can cut steeper country to grade cost effective with our larger machines moving large volumes quickly.
The grader, diggers, motorscrapers, bulldozers and trucks and trailers all come with experienced operators enthused about their work and committed to delivering the project to the client’s satisfaction.
We firmly believe that McPherson Contractors Limited has the technical experience, skills and personnel to undertake any contract and provide the client a quality job.I am only too happy to price your project as a lump sum or under contract and would welcome the opportunity to do so.
Our Mission… “We work up to a standard not down to a price!”
Mc Pherson Contractors Ltd
103 Peria Rd, Matamata 3472, New Zealand
Call 07-888 6855